Meet Our Ministry Staff
Click on their picture to contact a staff member directly.
Andrew McGregor
Lead Pastor
Andrew McGregor grew up in northern Alberta where his family church planted. Before moving to Grande Prairie, Andrew lived and served in Fort Nelson Alliance, Flin Flon Alliance, and Fort St. John Alliance where he was previously Lead Pastor.
Andrew’s heart is for people to know Jesus and walk with Him in everything. He is grateful for the opportunity and privilege to continue to shepherd His people.
Andrew and his wife Maria are the proud parents of two daughters, Anna and Sophia. They enjoy movie nights as a family and being outside together.
Some fun facts about Andrew:
- He is not a fan of coffee or any other hot drink for that matter. He loves people and conversation but he will be drinking water if invited to “go for coffee.”
- He has absolutely zero driving infractions - not even a photo radar has tarnished his perfect driving record.
- Andrew is not his first name.
Jennifer Zylstra
Jennifer has been involved in children's ministry at GPAC for over 20 years, and came on staff as Director in 2014. She has a passion for seeing kids grounded in the Word of God as the foundation for their life. Her favourite verse is Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Her favourite season is summer and in the winter she enjoys travelling to places to find summer.
Caleb Barkman
Pastor of Worship
Caleb studied at Peace River Bible Institute and joined our staff team after graduation in 2008. He started out as our Youth and Young Adults Ministries Pastor, and more recently has begun leading our Worship Ministry and Church Renewal journey. His favourite non-Bible books are the "Lion of War" series by Cliff Graham. He is a self-described AFOL (Adult Fan Of Lego). Other little known facts about Caleb include: he likes to listen to dubstep in the Auditorium at church when no one is around, he likes sneaking a cup full of bacon bits when his wife isn't looking, his rapper name is CJ Barks, and he firmly stands by the belief that Coke will always be better than Pepsi.
Ruth Nilsson
PASTOR OF Global Impact
Ruth has been a part of GPAC staff since 2018. She was given a heart for missions at a young age and has served the church in Mexico and continues to do so from here. A source of encouragement for current and future International Workers, Ruth's passion for the Great Commission fuels her work daily. Some her favourite things include: the outdoors, wiener roasts, campfires, and biking through God's beautiful nature. She also enjoys sharing her favourite candy from Mexico (Pulparindo) with unassuming staff - it certainly packs a punch!
Matthew Yeomans
Pastor of Worship & Technical Arts
Matt relocated from southern BC to join our staff team in 2014. He brings a gift of detail to the wide-range of tech needs of our church, along with a hunger to see others learn about the love of Jesus. He and his wife, Ashley are enjoying the busy years of parenting three young boys. Matt enjoys videography, photography, and naming his offspring after both Star Wars characters and Biblical heroes.
Annette Wiebe
Faith In Deed Director
Meet Annette Wiebe, our Faith In Deed (also known as FID) Director for over 10 years. Her team serves our community by meeting financial and emergency needs in a practical way. She has a team of volunteers who would love to meet you and see if they can assist you.
Who is Annette? In her own words, "Just take me to a beach, hand me a coffee and good book and we will be friends for life."
Michael Siggelkow
PASTOR OF Student Ministries
Michael grew up in Grande Prairie and returned after graduating from Briercrest College and Seminary; he joined GPAC staff in 2017. He and his wife, Kendra, have a growing family with two littles. Michael brings an approachable, empathetic personality that quickly welcomes conversation and friendship.
"I can think of only three good reasons to wake up early in the morning:
1) It's hunting season.
2) The coffee is ready. (If you can't drink your coffee black, then you're drinking the wrong coffee.)
3) My kids need me.
It turns out, I get up early a lot."
Wes Dong
Connections Pastor
Wes relocated from Edmonton, Alberta in 2015 to join our staff team in a role specifically designed for him: connecting people. His gift of being able to make newcomers feel welcomed and find that perfect group of people shines each week. Wes enjoys the culinary arts and believes that Jesus used food to bring people together, so we should too! If you need a cooking tip, he's your guy! Just ask him about his soup trifecta. We would tell you his favourite sports team but that's pretty obvious - his jersey is amidst his Sunday best outfit rotation.
Elmer Spilchen
Life Care Pastor
Elmer followed the Lord's call out of retirement and into ministry, joining our team in 2018. His heart to see all ages be set free and healed from the heaviness of life's brokenness and burdens motivates him to share his spiritual life journey with vulnerability and humility. He and his wife, Laurel, demonstrate that lives can be changed by God's love and presence. What reinvigorates Elmer? Chasing a white ball along a fairway at our local golf courses. The fresh air, exercise, and visiting friends are what bring him back each time.
Ramona Zacharias
PASTOR of women's ministry
Ramona moved to Grande Prairie as a newly-wed in 1993 and has been a part of the GPAC family since then. She along with her husband, Scott, love serving those within the church. Ramona brings an infectious humour and humility, and a gift to make those around her feel noticed and loved. She joined our staff team officially in 2019 and humbly demonstrates obedience to Jesus every time He calls her to deeper levels of faith. Ramona loves anything fall-related.... it's her favourite season, colour, mood, flavour. Best part of summer? Fall is next. Best thing about September? It's Fall. Why are winter blues never a problem? Because we just had Fall.
Lauren Farrow
Meet Lauren! She combines passion with a dedication to nurturing young hearts. Lauren brings a unique blend of creativity and organizational flair to the team. Her love for photography, travel, and a steaming cup of coffee infuses energy into her every endeavour. However, the true highlight for Lauren is witnessing the transformative power of Jesus' love in the lives of the little ones.